020 2567 5994 / 09370077144 events@deccangymkhana.org
Honour of India’s First Olympics Trials at Deccan Gymkhana in 1919.

Honour of India’s First Olympics Trials at Deccan Gymkhana in 1919.

 India first sent its official contingent of 6 athletes at the 1920 Antwerp Olympics. Eminent businessman Dorabji Tata who was president of Deccan Gymkhana is credited to take the initiative to form an ‘Indian Olympic Association’ to pick and train athletes who could participate in the 1920 Olympics.

Dorabji Tata approached then-Bombay governor George Lloyd, who helped secure permission for India for the play. The Olympic trials were then held at Deccan Gymkhana ground in April 1920 which is a great honor for all of us.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/A6r_4vuazWQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/idXL9Dxgk2Y" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
DG extends help to Flood Victims

DG extends help to Flood Victims

Deccan Gymkhana has decided to help the victims of the flood by means of financial assistance in the Raigad & Ratnagiri districts.

As an initial help, Deccan Gymkhana is sending 125 sets of Blankets, Bedsheets, Chatai, and Towels immediately.

In addition, Deccan Gymkhana Appeals to all its members to take initiative and help the flood victims by financial means as much as they can.

 You can donate the amount on the below-mentioned account – 

Name:- Deccan Gymkhana

Bank:- Kotak Mahindra Bank

Bank A/c No.:- 4813226831

Branch :- Bhandarkar Road, Pune.

IFSC Code :- KKBK0000723

Kindly note that please forward the payment details to deccangymkhana@gmail.com for generating the receipts.

Your help will be handed over to the “Rashtriya Swayansevak Sangh Janakalyan Samiti, Konkan Prant Seva Vibhag” 

Deccan Gymkhana Office

डेक्कन जिमखान्याने चिपळूण येथील नैसर्गिक आपत्तीत जी मदत पाठवली त्याच्या विनीयोगाचा सविस्तर अहवाल आला आहे.

आपल्या सर्वांच्या सहयोगाने हे शक्य झाले. आपल्या डेक्कन जिमखाना संस्थेला हे भूषणावह आहे.

तरी, सर्व सभासदांच्या माहितीसाठी सदर अहवाल खालील प्रमाणे सादर करत आहे. 🙏

Olympians Felicitated at DG

Olympians Felicitated at DG

Deccan Gymkhana in Coordination with District Amateur Athletics Association organized a Farewell Ceremony to extend hearty Best wishes to Athletes participating in Tokyo Olympics 2021.

A total of 127 Athletes are representing India in various events of Olympics 2021. It was a proud moment for Deccan Gymkhana to wish them great success.

Deccan Gymkhana extended best wishes by Felicitating the Ex-Olympians and appreciating their sustained Hard work, Dedication, and Sacrifice which laid the foundation for the generation pursuing various sports.

Deccan Gymkhana Management Committee & DAA authorities were greatly honored by felicitating Shri. Balkrishna Akotkar a long-distance runner, Shri. Maruti Adkar a Former Wrestler, Shri. Manoj Pingale a Pugilist, Shri. Pravin Jadhav an Archer who competes in the recurve discipline, Ms. Rekha Bhide for Women’s Hockey & Shri. Dhanraj Pillay– Men’s Hockey, also a former captain of the Indian national team, Ms. Anjali Bhagwat– Professional sharpshooter & World Number One in 10m Air Rifle, Shri.Ajit Lakra– Men’s Hockey & Shri. Suyash Jadhav is a Paralympics swimmer.

Glimpses of the function as follows:-


टिळक तलावाची पाणीदार ९९ वर्ष !

टिळक तलावाची पाणीदार ९९ वर्ष !

एक शतकाची गौरवगाथा

डेक्कन जिमखान्याचा टिळक तलाव हा पुणेकरांच्या अत्यंत जिव्हाळ्याचा विषय. गेली अनेक दशके असंख्य पुणेकरांना पोहण्याचा आनंद देणाऱ्या, अनेक आंतरराष्ट्रीय व राष्ट्रीय विजेते जलतरणपटू व वॉटरपोलोपटू घडवणाऱ्या टिळक तलावाला आज 99 वर्षं पूर्ण होत आहेत.

अनेकांना कदाचित माहीत नसेल, वाहते जिवंत झरे असलेला हा तलाव जगातील अतिशय दुर्मिळ काही तलावांपैकी एक आहे.

(टीप: सदर छायाचित्र अंदाजे 20 वर्षांपूर्वीचे आहे.)

Credits- Shreerang Gore

News news1 Oldtilaktank greentank

टिळक तलावाची पाणीदार ९९ वर्ष !

Upgradation at TILAK TANK

The latest renovation at Tilak Tank with a New Pool of 20 M X 25 M is ready for members to use and coaching.

Special Water Walking pool area is built up for Senior Members to a walk in the water.

Swimming coaching is available throughout the year under the guidance of professional coaches. The swimming pool is also offered on rent for privately conducted competitions/practice sessions.



Deccan Gymkhana is happy to announce the inauguration of the new face of Restaurant and Bar.

Introducing ‘THE TRIUMPH’ renovated and modernized Restaurant and Bar serving delicious food and pleasant service to Members, their Families & Guests on 1st Floor of Club House Building.

Read more on The Triumph page for more information and details.